Duo Carel Kraayenhof & Juan Pablo Dobals’ CD recording is processing well!

The first day of the CD recording for the DUO Kraayenhof & Dobal went successful. Together with our own sound-engineer Rimmert van Lummel and the hospitality of Lidwien Vork, we are currently recording in the Beauforthuis in Austerlitz. It’s always very exciting to play music when you know it will be permanently on a CD, but after a good preparation and a numer of concerts of the Duo with this setlist, we are confident that this will be a beautiful CD with a few tangos but also a lot of folk music from Argentina.

As of April 30th, we’ll record the CD with the Kraayenhof Tango Ensemble who are more specialized in the tano nuevo repertoire and in this autumn, Carel will be releasing a solo CD!
All three CDs hold many new compositions!
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